Title: Medical Representative (MR)
HQ’s: Ajmer , Baroda , Bhimavaram , Bhopal , Coimabtore , Cuttack , Goa , Hubli , Hyderabad , Jalandhar , Kota , Kurnool , Nashik , Nellore , Pondicherry , Raipur , Trichy
Speciality : Cardio -Diabetes , Gastro , ENT , Gynaec , Pedia , Neuro & Psy
Job Responsibilities:
- Meeting Doctors, making scientific presentation and building relationship with them, thereby
generating prescriptions. - Ensuring to fulfill the division specific activities and camps on monthly basis.
- Ensuring targets achievement on a consistent basis month on month.
- Product Promotion through company inputs to generate maximum prescriptions from the
medical professionals. - Ensure and follow guidance given by seniors about companys strategy.
- Maintain targeted doctor call average and coverage without compromising the quality of call.
About Company
Eris Lifesciences Ltd is the only publicly listed Indian pharmaceutical company with a pure-play domestic branded formulations business model. Ranked #21 in the IPM, Eris has established a leading presence in its core cardio-metabolic franchise in just 15 years from inception. Eris is also successfully diversifying its business with 3 emerging therapies (Dermatology, Neuropsychiatry and Gynecology).
Website : https://eris.co.in/
Interested Candidates Can Mail their Reusme to Kishan.soni@eristherapeutics.com